How to wear

Don’t know how to wear your THIR? NO WORRIES! We’ve drawn you a picture. Try these on for size!

  • Wear it around your neck for casual wear or during sports – all year round.
  • Wear it as a scarf: pulled-up to cover the chin and the back of the neck in cooler weather.
  • Wear it as a mask: ideal for dirt, dust, rain or cold and easily adjusted with one hand. Highly breathable. Worn by skiers in extreme cold and runners in the heat of the Marathon des Sables.
  • Wear it as a balaclava: total warmth. total sun protection. Pull up bottom seam up over your mouth for added warmth.
  • Wear it as a sleeper: ideal for travelling or used as a blindfold for kids’ (and adults’) party games.
  • Wear it as a head band: fold it for a pro look, or scrunch up for casual wear and can be worn over the ears for cold weather activities.
  • Wear it as a beanie: a simple twist makes a THIRband into a hat for cold weather wear.
  • Wear it as a bandana: no knot to tie and easy to adjust.
  • Wear it under your helmet without adjusting the helmet size.
  • Wear it as a sahariane or legionnaire: covers the top of the head and the back of the neck.
  • Wear it as a hair band: simple to pull on and ideal for long or short hair.
  • Wear it as a head scarf: just pull the THIRband back and you’ve got a great look. No more bad hair days!
  • Wear it as a scrunchie: keeps your hair back and looks stylish. Simply adjust the way you wear it on the go.
  • Wear it as a wristband: makes it easy to carry and is great for wiping your forehead. Ideal for running, tennis and other racquet sports